I'll do my own queuing, MediaPlaybackList is either the wrong tool for the job or way too buggy.

This commit is contained in:
Nolan Darilek 2020-12-07 21:35:07 -06:00
parent a905439d9c
commit d8f2b3fb00
4 changed files with 136 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ crate-type = ["lib", "cdylib", "staticlib"]
use_tolk = ["tolk"] use_tolk = ["tolk"]
[dependencies] [dependencies]
backoff = "0.2"
dyn-clonable = "0.9" dyn-clonable = "0.9"
lazy_static = "1" lazy_static = "1"
log = "0.4" log = "0.4"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
tts.speak(format!("{} bottles of beer,", bottles), false)?; tts.speak(format!("{} bottles of beer,", bottles), false)?;
tts.speak("Take one down, pass it around", false)?; tts.speak("Take one down, pass it around", false)?;
tts.speak("Give us a bit to drink this...", false)?; tts.speak("Give us a bit to drink this...", false)?;
let time = time::Duration::from_secs(10); let time = time::Duration::from_secs(15);
thread::sleep(time); thread::sleep(time);
bottles -= 1; bottles -= 1;
tts.speak(format!("{} bottles of beer on the wall,", bottles), false)?; tts.speak(format!("{} bottles of beer on the wall,", bottles), false)?;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
use std::sync::Mutex;
#[cfg(windows)] #[cfg(windows)]
use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration}; use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::sync::Mutex;
use backoff::{ExponentialBackoff, Operation};
use lazy_static::lazy_static; use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::{info, trace}; use log::{info, trace};
use winrt::*;
use tts_winrt_bindings::windows::media::playback::{ use tts_winrt_bindings::windows::media::playback::{
CurrentMediaPlaybackItemChangedEventArgs, MediaPlaybackItem, MediaPlaybackList,
MediaPlaybackState, MediaPlayer, MediaPlayerAudioCategory, MediaPlaybackState, MediaPlayer, MediaPlayerAudioCategory,
}; };
use tts_winrt_bindings::windows::media::speech_synthesis::SpeechSynthesizer; use tts_winrt_bindings::windows::media::speech_synthesis::SpeechSynthesizer;
@ -27,120 +24,125 @@ pub struct WinRT {
id: BackendId, id: BackendId,
synth: SpeechSynthesizer, synth: SpeechSynthesizer,
player: MediaPlayer, player: MediaPlayer,
playback_list: MediaPlaybackList, rate: f32,
pitch: f32,
volume: f32,
struct Utterance {
id: UtteranceId,
text: String,
rate: f32,
pitch: f32,
volume: f32,
} }
lazy_static! { lazy_static! {
static ref NEXT_BACKEND_ID: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0); static ref NEXT_BACKEND_ID: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0);
static ref NEXT_UTTERANCE_ID: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0); static ref NEXT_UTTERANCE_ID: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0);
static ref UTTERANCE_MAPPINGS: Mutex<Vec<(BackendId, MediaPlaybackItem, UtteranceId)>> = static ref BACKEND_TO_SPEECH_SYNTHESIZER: Mutex<HashMap<BackendId, SpeechSynthesizer>> = {
Mutex::new(Vec::new()); let v: HashMap<BackendId, SpeechSynthesizer> = HashMap::new();
static ref BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER: Mutex<HashMap<BackendId, MediaPlayer>> = { static ref BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER: Mutex<HashMap<BackendId, MediaPlayer>> = {
let v: HashMap<BackendId, MediaPlayer> = HashMap::new(); let v: HashMap<BackendId, MediaPlayer> = HashMap::new();
Mutex::new(v) Mutex::new(v)
}; };
static ref BACKEND_TO_PLAYBACK_LIST: Mutex<HashMap<BackendId, MediaPlaybackList>> = { static ref UTTERANCES: Mutex<HashMap<BackendId, VecDeque<Utterance>>> = {
let v: HashMap<BackendId, MediaPlaybackList> = HashMap::new(); let utterances: HashMap<BackendId, VecDeque<Utterance>> = HashMap::new();
Mutex::new(v) Mutex::new(utterances)
static ref LAST_SPOKEN_UTTERANCE: Mutex<HashMap<BackendId, UtteranceId>> = {
let v: HashMap<BackendId, UtteranceId> = HashMap::new();
}; };
} }
impl WinRT { impl WinRT {
pub fn new() -> std::result::Result<Self, Error> { pub fn new() -> std::result::Result<Self, Error> {
info!("Initializing WinRT backend"); info!("Initializing WinRT backend");
let playback_list = MediaPlaybackList::new()?; let synth = SpeechSynthesizer::new()?;
let player = MediaPlayer::new()?; let player = MediaPlayer::new()?;
player.set_real_time_playback(true)?; player.set_real_time_playback(true)?;
player.set_audio_category(MediaPlayerAudioCategory::Speech)?; player.set_audio_category(MediaPlayerAudioCategory::Speech)?;
let mut backend_id = NEXT_BACKEND_ID.lock().unwrap(); let mut backend_id = NEXT_BACKEND_ID.lock().unwrap();
let bid = BackendId::WinRT(*backend_id); let bid = BackendId::WinRT(*backend_id);
*backend_id += 1; *backend_id += 1;
drop(backend_id); drop(backend_id);
let mut utterances = UTTERANCES.lock().unwrap();
utterances.insert(bid, VecDeque::new());
let mut backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap(); let mut backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap();
backend_to_media_player.insert(bid, player.clone()); backend_to_media_player.insert(bid, player.clone());
drop(backend_to_media_player); drop(backend_to_media_player);
player.media_ended(TypedEventHandler::new(|sender: &MediaPlayer, _args| { let mut backend_to_speech_synthesizer = BACKEND_TO_SPEECH_SYNTHESIZER.lock().unwrap();
let source = sender.source()?; backend_to_speech_synthesizer.insert(bid, synth.clone());
let source: MediaPlaybackList = source.try_into()?; drop(backend_to_speech_synthesizer);
source.items()?.clear()?; let bid_clone = bid;
let backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap(); player.media_ended(TypedEventHandler::new(
let id = backend_to_media_player.iter().find(|v| v.1 == sender); move |sender: &MediaPlayer, _args| {
if let Some(id) = id { let backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap();
let id = id.0; let id = backend_to_media_player.iter().find(|v| v.1 == sender);
let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); if let Some((id, _)) = id {
let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); let mut utterances = UTTERANCES.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_end.as_mut() { if let Some(utterances) = utterances.get_mut(id) {
let last_spoken_utterance = LAST_SPOKEN_UTTERANCE.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(utterance) = utterances.pop_front() {
if let Some(utterance_id) = last_spoken_utterance.get(&id) { let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap();
callback(*utterance_id); let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(id).unwrap();
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_end.as_mut() {
if let Some(utterance) = utterances.front() {
let backend_to_speech_synthesizer =
let id = backend_to_speech_synthesizer
.find(|v| *v.0 == bid_clone);
if let Some((_, tts)) = id {
let stream = tts
let content_type = stream.content_type()?;
let source =
MediaSource::create_from_stream(stream, content_type)?;
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_begin.as_mut() {
} }
} }
} /*let source = sender.source()?;
Ok(()) let source: MediaPlaybackList = source.try_into()?;
}))?; source.items()?.clear()?;
let mut backend_to_playback_list = BACKEND_TO_PLAYBACK_LIST.lock().unwrap(); let backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap();
backend_to_playback_list.insert(bid, playback_list.clone()); let id = backend_to_media_player.iter().find(|v| v.1 == sender);
|sender: &MediaPlaybackList, args: &CurrentMediaPlaybackItemChangedEventArgs| {
let backend_to_playback_list = BACKEND_TO_PLAYBACK_LIST.lock().unwrap();
let id = backend_to_playback_list.iter().find(|v| v.1 == sender);
if let Some(id) = id { if let Some(id) = id {
let id = id.0; let id = id.0;
let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap();
let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&id).unwrap();
let old_item = args.old_item()?; if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_end.as_mut() {
if !old_item.is_null() { let last_spoken_utterance = LAST_SPOKEN_UTTERANCE.lock().unwrap();
let mut mappings = UTTERANCE_MAPPINGS.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(utterance_id) = last_spoken_utterance.get(&id) {
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_end.as_mut() { callback(*utterance_id);
for mapping in &*mappings {
if mapping.1 == old_item {
mappings.retain(|v| v.1 != old_item);
} }
} }
let new_item = args.new_item()?; }*/
if !new_item.is_null() {
let mut last_spoken_utterance = LAST_SPOKEN_UTTERANCE.lock().unwrap();
let mappings = UTTERANCE_MAPPINGS.lock().unwrap();
for mapping in &*mappings {
if mapping.1 == new_item {
last_spoken_utterance.insert(*id, mapping.2);
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_begin.as_mut() {
for mapping in &*mappings {
if mapping.1 == new_item {
Ok(()) Ok(())
}, },
))?; ))?;
Ok(Self { Ok(Self {
id: bid, id: bid,
synth: SpeechSynthesizer::new()?, synth,
player, player,
playback_list, rate: 1.,
pitch: 1.,
volume: 1.,
}) })
} }
fn backoff(&self) -> ExponentialBackoff {
ExponentialBackoff {
initial_interval: Duration::from_millis(3),
} }
impl Backend for WinRT { impl Backend for WinRT {
@ -164,28 +166,46 @@ impl Backend for WinRT {
text: &str, text: &str,
interrupt: bool, interrupt: bool,
) -> std::result::Result<Option<UtteranceId>, Error> { ) -> std::result::Result<Option<UtteranceId>, Error> {
let stream = self.synth.synthesize_text_to_stream_async(text)?.get()?;
let content_type = stream.content_type()?;
let source = MediaSource::create_from_stream(stream, content_type)?;
let item = MediaPlaybackItem::create(source)?;
if interrupt && self.is_speaking()? { if interrupt && self.is_speaking()? {
self.stop()?; self.stop()?;
} }
self.playback_list.items()?.append(&item)?; let utterance_id = {
if self.player.playback_session()?.playback_state()? != MediaPlaybackState::Playing { let mut uid = NEXT_UTTERANCE_ID.lock().unwrap();
let mut op = || {
let mut uid = NEXT_UTTERANCE_ID.try_lock()?;
let utterance_id = UtteranceId::WinRT(*uid); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::WinRT(*uid);
*uid += 1; *uid += 1;
Ok(utterance_id) utterance_id
}; };
let mut backoff = self.backoff(); let mut no_utterances = false;
let utterance_id = op.retry(&mut backoff)?;
{ {
let mut mappings = UTTERANCE_MAPPINGS.lock().unwrap(); let mut utterances = UTTERANCES.lock().unwrap();
mappings.push((self.id, item, utterance_id)); if let Some(utterances) = utterances.get_mut(&self.id) {
no_utterances = utterances.is_empty();
let utterance = Utterance {
id: utterance_id,
text: text.into(),
rate: self.rate,
pitch: self.pitch,
volume: self.volume,
if no_utterances
&& self.player.playback_session()?.playback_state()? != MediaPlaybackState::Playing
let stream = self.synth.synthesize_text_to_stream_async(text)?.get()?;
let content_type = stream.content_type()?;
let source = MediaSource::create_from_stream(stream, content_type)?;
let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap();
let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&self.id).unwrap();
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_begin.as_mut() {
} }
Ok(Some(utterance_id)) Ok(Some(utterance_id))
} }
@ -195,16 +215,20 @@ impl Backend for WinRT {
if !self.is_speaking()? { if !self.is_speaking()? {
return Ok(()); return Ok(());
} }
self.playback_list.items()?.clear()?; let mut utterances = UTTERANCES.lock().unwrap();
let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(utterances) = utterances.get(&self.id) {
let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&self.id).unwrap(); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap();
let mut mappings = UTTERANCE_MAPPINGS.lock().unwrap(); let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&self.id).unwrap();
if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_stop.as_mut() { if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_stop.as_mut() {
for mapping in &*mappings { for utterance in utterances {
callback(mapping.2); callback(utterance.id);
} }
} }
mappings.retain(|v| v.0 != self.id); if let Some(utterances) = utterances.get_mut(&self.id) {
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
@ -226,7 +250,7 @@ impl Backend for WinRT {
} }
fn set_rate(&mut self, rate: f32) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> { fn set_rate(&mut self, rate: f32) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
self.synth.options()?.set_speaking_rate(rate.into())?; self.rate = rate;
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
@ -248,7 +272,7 @@ impl Backend for WinRT {
} }
fn set_pitch(&mut self, pitch: f32) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> { fn set_pitch(&mut self, pitch: f32) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
self.synth.options()?.set_audio_pitch(pitch.into())?; self.pitch = pitch;
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
@ -270,28 +294,25 @@ impl Backend for WinRT {
} }
fn set_volume(&mut self, volume: f32) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> { fn set_volume(&mut self, volume: f32) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
self.synth.options()?.set_audio_volume(volume.into())?; self.volume = volume;
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
fn is_speaking(&self) -> std::result::Result<bool, Error> { fn is_speaking(&self) -> std::result::Result<bool, Error> {
let item_count = self.playback_list.items()?.size()?; let utterances = UTTERANCES.lock().unwrap();
let state = self.player.playback_session()?.playback_state()?; let utterances = utterances.get(&self.id).unwrap();
let playing = state == MediaPlaybackState::Playing; Ok(!utterances.is_empty())
Ok(item_count != 0 || playing)
} }
} }
impl Drop for WinRT { impl Drop for WinRT {
fn drop(&mut self) { fn drop(&mut self) {
let id = self.id; let id = self.id;
let mut backend_to_playback_list = BACKEND_TO_PLAYBACK_LIST.lock().unwrap();
let mut backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap(); let mut backend_to_media_player = BACKEND_TO_MEDIA_PLAYER.lock().unwrap();
backend_to_media_player.remove(&id); backend_to_media_player.remove(&id);
let mut last_spoken_utterance = LAST_SPOKEN_UTTERANCE.lock().unwrap(); let mut backend_to_speech_synthesizer = BACKEND_TO_SPEECH_SYNTHESIZER.lock().unwrap();
last_spoken_utterance.remove(&id); backend_to_speech_synthesizer.remove(&id);
let mut mappings = UTTERANCE_MAPPINGS.lock().unwrap(); let mut utterances = UTTERANCES.lock().unwrap();
mappings.retain(|v| v.0 != id); utterances.remove(&id);
} }
} }

View File

@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ impl Default for Features {
pub enum Error { pub enum Error {
#[error("IO error: {0}")] #[error("IO error: {0}")]
IO(#[from] std::io::Error), IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("Backoff error")]
#[error("Value not received")] #[error("Value not received")]
NoneError, NoneError,
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
@ -115,12 +113,6 @@ pub enum Error {
OutOfRange, OutOfRange,
} }
impl<E> From<backoff::Error<E>> for Error {
fn from(_: backoff::Error<E>) -> Self {
#[clonable] #[clonable]
trait Backend: Clone + std::fmt::Debug { trait Backend: Clone + std::fmt::Debug {
fn id(&self) -> Option<BackendId>; fn id(&self) -> Option<BackendId>;