#[cfg(target_os = "android")] use std::{ collections::HashSet, ffi::{CStr, CString}, os::raw::c_void, sync::{Mutex, RwLock}, thread, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use jni::{ objects::{GlobalRef, JObject, JString}, sys::{jfloat, jint, JNI_VERSION_1_6}, JNIEnv, JavaVM, }; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::{error, info}; use crate::{Backend, BackendId, Error, Features, UtteranceId, Voice, CALLBACKS}; lazy_static! { static ref BRIDGE: Mutex> = Mutex::new(None); static ref NEXT_BACKEND_ID: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); static ref PENDING_INITIALIZATIONS: RwLock> = RwLock::new(HashSet::new()); static ref NEXT_UTTERANCE_ID: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn JNI_OnLoad(vm: JavaVM, _: *mut c_void) -> jint { let env = vm.get_env().expect("Cannot get reference to the JNIEnv"); let b = env .find_class("rs/tts/Bridge") .expect("Failed to find `Bridge`"); let b = env .new_global_ref(b) .expect("Failed to create `Bridge` `GlobalRef`"); let mut bridge = BRIDGE.lock().unwrap(); *bridge = Some(b); JNI_VERSION_1_6 } #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Java_rs_tts_Bridge_onInit(env: JNIEnv, obj: JObject, status: jint) { let id = env .get_field(obj, "backendId", "I") .expect("Failed to get backend ID") .i() .expect("Failed to cast to int") as u64; let mut pending = PENDING_INITIALIZATIONS.write().unwrap(); (*pending).remove(&id); if status != 0 { error!("Failed to initialize TTS engine"); } } #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Java_rs_tts_Bridge_onStart( env: JNIEnv, obj: JObject, utterance_id: JString, ) { let backend_id = env .get_field(obj, "backendId", "I") .expect("Failed to get backend ID") .i() .expect("Failed to cast to int") as u64; let backend_id = BackendId::Android(backend_id); let utterance_id = CString::from(CStr::from_ptr( env.get_string(utterance_id).unwrap().as_ptr(), )) .into_string() .unwrap(); let utterance_id = utterance_id.parse::().unwrap(); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::Android(utterance_id); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); let cb = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(f) = cb.utterance_begin.as_mut() { f(utterance_id); } } #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Java_rs_tts_Bridge_onStop( env: JNIEnv, obj: JObject, utterance_id: JString, ) { let backend_id = env .get_field(obj, "backendId", "I") .expect("Failed to get backend ID") .i() .expect("Failed to cast to int") as u64; let backend_id = BackendId::Android(backend_id); let utterance_id = CString::from(CStr::from_ptr( env.get_string(utterance_id).unwrap().as_ptr(), )) .into_string() .unwrap(); let utterance_id = utterance_id.parse::().unwrap(); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::Android(utterance_id); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); let cb = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(f) = cb.utterance_end.as_mut() { f(utterance_id); } } #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Java_rs_tts_Bridge_onDone( env: JNIEnv, obj: JObject, utterance_id: JString, ) { let backend_id = env .get_field(obj, "backendId", "I") .expect("Failed to get backend ID") .i() .expect("Failed to cast to int") as u64; let backend_id = BackendId::Android(backend_id); let utterance_id = CString::from(CStr::from_ptr( env.get_string(utterance_id).unwrap().as_ptr(), )) .into_string() .unwrap(); let utterance_id = utterance_id.parse::().unwrap(); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::Android(utterance_id); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); let cb = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(f) = cb.utterance_stop.as_mut() { f(utterance_id); } } #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Java_rs_tts_Bridge_onError( env: JNIEnv, obj: JObject, utterance_id: JString, ) { let backend_id = env .get_field(obj, "backendId", "I") .expect("Failed to get backend ID") .i() .expect("Failed to cast to int") as u64; let backend_id = BackendId::Android(backend_id); let utterance_id = CString::from(CStr::from_ptr( env.get_string(utterance_id).unwrap().as_ptr(), )) .into_string() .unwrap(); let utterance_id = utterance_id.parse::().unwrap(); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::Android(utterance_id); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); let cb = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(f) = cb.utterance_end.as_mut() { f(utterance_id); } } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct Android { id: BackendId, tts: GlobalRef, rate: f32, pitch: f32, } impl Android { pub(crate) fn new() -> Result { info!("Initializing Android backend"); let mut backend_id = NEXT_BACKEND_ID.lock().unwrap(); let bid = *backend_id; let id = BackendId::Android(bid); *backend_id += 1; drop(backend_id); let native_activity = ndk_glue::native_activity(); let vm = Self::vm()?; let env = vm.attach_current_thread_permanently()?; let bridge = BRIDGE.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(bridge) = &*bridge { let bridge = env.new_object(bridge, "(I)V", &[(bid as jint).into()])?; let tts = env.new_object( "android/speech/tts/TextToSpeech", "(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/speech/tts/TextToSpeech$OnInitListener;)V", &[native_activity.activity().into(), bridge.into()], )?; env.call_method( tts, "setOnUtteranceProgressListener", "(Landroid/speech/tts/UtteranceProgressListener;)I", &[bridge.into()], )?; { let mut pending = PENDING_INITIALIZATIONS.write().unwrap(); (*pending).insert(bid); } let tts = env.new_global_ref(tts)?; // This hack makes my brain bleed. const MAX_WAIT_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500); let start = Instant::now(); // Wait a max of 500ms for initialization, then return an error to avoid hanging. loop { { let pending = PENDING_INITIALIZATIONS.read().unwrap(); if !(*pending).contains(&bid) { break; } if start.elapsed() > MAX_WAIT_TIME { return Err(Error::OperationFailed); } } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)); } Ok(Self { id, tts, rate: 1., pitch: 1., }) } else { Err(Error::NoneError) } } fn vm() -> Result { let native_activity = ndk_glue::native_activity(); let vm_ptr = native_activity.vm(); unsafe { jni::JavaVM::from_raw(vm_ptr) } } } impl Backend for Android { fn id(&self) -> Option { Some(self.id) } fn supported_features(&self) -> Features { Features { stop: true, rate: true, pitch: true, volume: false, is_speaking: true, utterance_callbacks: true, voice: false, get_voice: false, } } fn speak(&mut self, text: &str, interrupt: bool) -> Result, Error> { let vm = Self::vm()?; let env = vm.get_env()?; let tts = self.tts.as_obj(); let text = env.new_string(text)?; let queue_mode = if interrupt { 0 } else { 1 }; let mut utterance_id = NEXT_UTTERANCE_ID.lock().unwrap(); let uid = *utterance_id; *utterance_id += 1; drop(utterance_id); let id = UtteranceId::Android(uid); let uid = env.new_string(uid.to_string())?; let rv = env.call_method( tts, "speak", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;ILandroid/os/Bundle;Ljava/lang/String;)I", &[ text.into(), queue_mode.into(), JObject::null().into(), uid.into(), ], )?; let rv = rv.i()?; if rv == 0 { Ok(Some(id)) } else { Err(Error::OperationFailed) } } fn stop(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let vm = Self::vm()?; let env = vm.get_env()?; let tts = self.tts.as_obj(); let rv = env.call_method(tts, "stop", "()I", &[])?; let rv = rv.i()?; if rv == 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::OperationFailed) } } fn min_rate(&self) -> f32 { 0.1 } fn max_rate(&self) -> f32 { 10. } fn normal_rate(&self) -> f32 { 1. } fn get_rate(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.rate) } fn set_rate(&mut self, rate: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { let vm = Self::vm()?; let env = vm.get_env()?; let tts = self.tts.as_obj(); let rate = rate as jfloat; let rv = env.call_method(tts, "setSpeechRate", "(F)I", &[rate.into()])?; let rv = rv.i()?; if rv == 0 { self.rate = rate; Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::OperationFailed) } } fn min_pitch(&self) -> f32 { 0.1 } fn max_pitch(&self) -> f32 { 2. } fn normal_pitch(&self) -> f32 { 1. } fn get_pitch(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.pitch) } fn set_pitch(&mut self, pitch: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { let vm = Self::vm()?; let env = vm.get_env()?; let tts = self.tts.as_obj(); let pitch = pitch as jfloat; let rv = env.call_method(tts, "setPitch", "(F)I", &[pitch.into()])?; let rv = rv.i()?; if rv == 0 { self.pitch = pitch; Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::OperationFailed) } } fn min_volume(&self) -> f32 { todo!() } fn max_volume(&self) -> f32 { todo!() } fn normal_volume(&self) -> f32 { todo!() } fn get_volume(&self) -> Result { todo!() } fn set_volume(&mut self, _volume: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { todo!() } fn is_speaking(&self) -> Result { let vm = Self::vm()?; let env = vm.get_env()?; let tts = self.tts.as_obj(); let rv = env.call_method(tts, "isSpeaking", "()Z", &[])?; let rv = rv.z()?; Ok(rv) } fn voice(&self) -> Result, Error> { unimplemented!() } fn voices(&self) -> Result, Error> { unimplemented!() } fn set_voice(&mut self, voice: &Voice) -> Result<(), Error> { unimplemented!() } }