#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))] #[link(name = "AVFoundation", kind = "framework")] use std::sync::Mutex; use cocoa_foundation::base::{id, nil, NO}; use cocoa_foundation::foundation::NSString; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::{info, trace}; use objc::runtime::{Object, Sel}; use objc::{class, declare::ClassDecl, msg_send, sel, sel_impl}; use crate::{Backend, BackendId, Error, Features, UtteranceId, CALLBACKS}; use crate::voices::Backend as VoiceBackend; mod voices; use voices::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct AvFoundation { id: BackendId, delegate: *mut Object, synth: *mut Object, rate: f32, volume: f32, pitch: f32, voice: AVSpeechSynthesisVoice, } lazy_static! { static ref NEXT_BACKEND_ID: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); } impl AvFoundation { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { info!("Initializing AVFoundation backend"); let mut decl = ClassDecl::new("MyNSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate", class!(NSObject)).unwrap(); decl.add_ivar::("backend_id"); extern "C" fn speech_synthesizer_did_start_speech_utterance( this: &Object, _: Sel, _synth: *const Object, utterance: id, ) { trace!("speech_synthesizer_did_start_speech_utterance"); unsafe { let backend_id: u64 = *this.get_ivar("backend_id"); let backend_id = BackendId::AvFoundation(backend_id); trace!("Locking callbacks"); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); trace!("Locked"); let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_begin.as_mut() { trace!("Calling utterance_begin"); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::AvFoundation(utterance); callback(utterance_id); trace!("Called"); } } trace!("Done speech_synthesizer_did_start_speech_utterance"); } extern "C" fn speech_synthesizer_did_finish_speech_utterance( this: &Object, _: Sel, _synth: *const Object, utterance: id, ) { trace!("speech_synthesizer_did_finish_speech_utterance"); unsafe { let backend_id: u64 = *this.get_ivar("backend_id"); let backend_id = BackendId::AvFoundation(backend_id); trace!("Locking callbacks"); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); trace!("Locked"); let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_end.as_mut() { trace!("Calling utterance_end"); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::AvFoundation(utterance); callback(utterance_id); trace!("Called"); } } trace!("Done speech_synthesizer_did_finish_speech_utterance"); } extern "C" fn speech_synthesizer_did_cancel_speech_utterance( this: &Object, _: Sel, _synth: *const Object, utterance: id, ) { trace!("speech_synthesizer_did_cancel_speech_utterance"); unsafe { let backend_id: u64 = *this.get_ivar("backend_id"); let backend_id = BackendId::AvFoundation(backend_id); trace!("Locking callbacks"); let mut callbacks = CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); trace!("Locked"); let callbacks = callbacks.get_mut(&backend_id).unwrap(); if let Some(callback) = callbacks.utterance_stop.as_mut() { trace!("Calling utterance_stop"); let utterance_id = UtteranceId::AvFoundation(utterance); callback(utterance_id); trace!("Called"); } } trace!("Done speech_synthesizer_did_cancel_speech_utterance"); } unsafe { decl.add_method( sel!(speechSynthesizer:didStartSpeechUtterance:), speech_synthesizer_did_start_speech_utterance as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, *const Object, id) -> (), ); decl.add_method( sel!(speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeechUtterance:), speech_synthesizer_did_finish_speech_utterance as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, *const Object, id) -> (), ); decl.add_method( sel!(speechSynthesizer:didCancelSpeechUtterance:), speech_synthesizer_did_cancel_speech_utterance as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, *const Object, id) -> (), ); } let delegate_class = decl.register(); let delegate_obj: *mut Object = unsafe { msg_send![delegate_class, new] }; let mut backend_id = NEXT_BACKEND_ID.lock().unwrap(); let rv = unsafe { trace!("Creating synth"); let synth: *mut Object = msg_send![class!(AVSpeechSynthesizer), new]; trace!("Allocated {:?}", synth); delegate_obj .as_mut() .unwrap() .set_ivar("backend_id", *backend_id); trace!("Set backend ID in delegate"); let _: () = msg_send![synth, setDelegate: delegate_obj]; trace!("Assigned delegate: {:?}", delegate_obj); AvFoundation { id: BackendId::AvFoundation(*backend_id), delegate: delegate_obj, synth, rate: 0.5, volume: 1., pitch: 1., voice: AVSpeechSynthesisVoice::new(), } }; *backend_id += 1; rv } } impl Backend for AvFoundation { fn id(&self) -> Option { Some(self.id) } fn supported_features(&self) -> Features { Features { stop: true, rate: true, pitch: true, volume: true, is_speaking: true, voices: true, utterance_callbacks: true, } } fn speak(&mut self, text: &str, interrupt: bool) -> Result, Error> { trace!("speak({}, {})", text, interrupt); if interrupt && self.is_speaking()? { self.stop()?; } let mut utterance: id; unsafe { trace!("Allocating utterance string"); let mut str = NSString::alloc(nil); str = str.init_str(text); trace!("Allocating utterance"); utterance = msg_send![class!(AVSpeechUtterance), alloc]; trace!("Initializing utterance"); utterance = msg_send![utterance, initWithString: str]; trace!("Setting rate to {}", self.rate); let _: () = msg_send![utterance, setRate: self.rate]; trace!("Setting volume to {}", self.volume); let _: () = msg_send![utterance, setVolume: self.volume]; trace!("Setting pitch to {}", self.pitch); let _: () = msg_send![utterance, setPitchMultiplier: self.pitch]; let _: () = msg_send![utterance, setVoice: self.voice]; trace!("Enqueuing"); let _: () = msg_send![self.synth, speakUtterance: utterance]; trace!("Done queuing"); } Ok(Some(UtteranceId::AvFoundation(utterance))) } fn stop(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { trace!("stop()"); unsafe { let _: () = msg_send![self.synth, stopSpeakingAtBoundary: 0]; } Ok(()) } fn min_rate(&self) -> f32 { 0.1 } fn max_rate(&self) -> f32 { 2. } fn normal_rate(&self) -> f32 { 0.5 } fn get_rate(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.rate) } fn set_rate(&mut self, rate: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { trace!("set_rate({})", rate); self.rate = rate; Ok(()) } fn min_pitch(&self) -> f32 { 0.5 } fn max_pitch(&self) -> f32 { 2.0 } fn normal_pitch(&self) -> f32 { 1.0 } fn get_pitch(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.pitch) } fn set_pitch(&mut self, pitch: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { trace!("set_pitch({})", pitch); self.pitch = pitch; Ok(()) } fn min_volume(&self) -> f32 { 0. } fn max_volume(&self) -> f32 { 1. } fn normal_volume(&self) -> f32 { 1. } fn get_volume(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.volume) } fn set_volume(&mut self, volume: f32) -> Result<(), Error> { trace!("set_volume({})", volume); self.volume = volume; Ok(()) } fn is_speaking(&self) -> Result { trace!("is_speaking()"); let is_speaking: i8 = unsafe { msg_send![self.synth, isSpeaking] }; Ok(is_speaking != NO as i8) } fn voice(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.voice.id()) } fn list_voices(&self) -> Vec { AVSpeechSynthesisVoice::list().iter().map(|v| {v.id()}).collect() } fn set_voice(&mut self, voice: &str) -> Result<(),Error> { self.voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice::new(); Ok(()) } } impl Drop for AvFoundation { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { let _: Object = msg_send![self.delegate, release]; let _: Object = msg_send![self.synth, release]; } } }