#![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] use std::{ collections::HashMap, ffi::{CStr, CString}, fmt, marker::Send, os::raw::{c_char, c_int}, sync::Mutex, }; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use speech_dispatcher_sys::*; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum Mode { Single = SPDConnectionMode::SPD_MODE_SINGLE, Threaded = SPDConnectionMode::SPD_MODE_THREADED, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum Priority { Important = SPDPriority::SPD_IMPORTANT, Message = SPDPriority::SPD_MESSAGE, Text = SPDPriority::SPD_TEXT, Notification = SPDPriority::SPD_NOTIFICATION, Progress = SPDPriority::SPD_PROGRESS, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum VoiceType { Male1 = SPDVoiceType::SPD_MALE1, Male2 = SPDVoiceType::SPD_MALE2, Male3 = SPDVoiceType::SPD_MALE3, Female1 = SPDVoiceType::SPD_FEMALE1, Female2 = SPDVoiceType::SPD_FEMALE2, Female3 = SPDVoiceType::SPD_FEMALE3, ChildMale = SPDVoiceType::SPD_CHILD_MALE, ChildFemale = SPDVoiceType::SPD_CHILD_FEMALE, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Connection(pub *mut SPDConnection, u64); pub type Address = SPDConnectionAddress; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum DataMode { Text = SPDDataMode::SPD_DATA_TEXT, SSML = SPDDataMode::SPD_DATA_SSML, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum Notification { Begin = SPDNotification::SPD_BEGIN, End = SPDNotification::SPD_END, IndexMarks = SPDNotification::SPD_INDEX_MARKS, Cancel = SPDNotification::SPD_CANCEL, Pause = SPDNotification::SPD_PAUSE, Resume = SPDNotification::SPD_RESUME, All = SPDNotification::SPD_ALL, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum Punctuation { All = SPDPunctuation::SPD_PUNCT_ALL, None = SPDPunctuation::SPD_PUNCT_NONE, Some = SPDPunctuation::SPD_PUNCT_SOME, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum CapitalLetters { None = SPDCapitalLetters::SPD_CAP_NONE, Spell = SPDCapitalLetters::SPD_CAP_SPELL, Icon = SPDCapitalLetters::SPD_CAP_ICON, } /// Converts a `0` to a success and everything else to an error. fn c_int_to_result(r: c_int) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { match r { 0 => Ok(()), _ => Err(SpeechDispatcherError::OperationFailed), } } #[derive(Default)] struct Callbacks { begin: Option>, end: Option>, index_mark: Option>, cancel: Option>, pause: Option>, resume: Option>, } unsafe impl Send for Callbacks {} unsafe impl Sync for Callbacks {} lazy_static! { static ref callbacks: Mutex> = { let m = HashMap::new(); Mutex::new(m) }; } unsafe extern "C" fn cb(msg_id: u64, client_id: u64, state: u32) { let state = match state { SPDNotificationType_SPD_EVENT_BEGIN => Notification::Begin, SPDNotificationType_SPD_EVENT_END => Notification::End, SPDNotificationType_SPD_EVENT_CANCEL => Notification::Cancel, SPDNotificationType_SPD_EVENT_PAUSE => Notification::Pause, SPDNotificationType_SPD_EVENT_RESUME => Notification::Resume, _ => panic!("Unknown notification received in callback: {}", state), }; if let Some(c) = callbacks.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&client_id) { let f = match state { Notification::Begin => &mut c.begin, Notification::End => &mut c.end, Notification::Cancel => &mut c.cancel, Notification::Pause => &mut c.pause, Notification::Resume => &mut c.resume, _ => panic!("Unknown notification type"), }; if let Some(f) = f.as_mut() { f(msg_id, client_id); } } } unsafe extern "C" fn cb_im(msg_id: u64, client_id: u64, state: u32, index_mark: *mut c_char) { let index_mark = CStr::from_ptr(index_mark); let index_mark = index_mark.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let state = match state { SPDNotificationType_SPD_EVENT_INDEX_MARK => Notification::IndexMarks, _ => panic!("Unknown notification received in IM callback: {}", state), }; if let Some(c) = callbacks.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&client_id) { let f = match state { Notification::IndexMarks => &mut c.index_mark, _ => panic!("Unknown notification type"), }; if let Some(f) = f.as_mut() { f(msg_id, client_id, index_mark); } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SpeechDispatcherError { /// speech-dispatcher failed to initialize. Ensure speech-dispatcher is actually working on /// your system; for example, does the command `spd-say hello` work? InitializationError, /// The operation failed OperationFailed, } impl std::error::Error for SpeechDispatcherError {} impl fmt::Display for SpeechDispatcherError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use SpeechDispatcherError::*; match self { InitializationError => write!(f, "Failed to initialize"), OperationFailed => write!(f, "Operation failed"), } } } impl Connection { pub fn open>( client_name: S, connection_name: S, user_name: S, mode: Mode, ) -> Result { let clientname = CString::new(client_name.into()).unwrap(); let connectionname = CString::new(connection_name.into()).unwrap(); let username = CString::new(user_name.into()).unwrap(); let connection = unsafe { let c = spd_open( clientname.as_ptr(), connectionname.as_ptr(), username.as_ptr(), mode as u32, ); if c.is_null() { Err(SpeechDispatcherError::InitializationError) } else { Ok(Self::setup_connection(c)) } }; let mut c = Self(connection?, 0); c.setup()?; Ok(c) } pub unsafe fn open2>( client_name: S, connection_name: S, user_name: S, mode: Mode, address: *mut Address, autospawn: bool, ) -> Result { let auto_spawn = if autospawn { 1 } else { 0 }; let error_result = vec![CString::new("").unwrap().into_raw()].as_mut_ptr(); let clientname = CString::new(client_name.into()).unwrap(); let connectionname = CString::new(connection_name.into()).unwrap(); let username = CString::new(user_name.into()).unwrap(); let connection = { let c = spd_open2( clientname.as_ptr(), connectionname.as_ptr(), username.as_ptr(), mode as u32, address, auto_spawn, error_result, ); if c.is_null() { Err(SpeechDispatcherError::InitializationError) } else { Ok(Self::setup_connection(c)) } }; let mut c = Self(connection?, 0); c.setup()?; Ok(c) } unsafe fn setup_connection(c: *mut SPDConnection) -> *mut SPDConnection { (*c).callback_begin = Some(cb); (*c).callback_end = Some(cb); (*c).callback_cancel = Some(cb); (*c).callback_pause = Some(cb); (*c).callback_resume = Some(cb); (*c).callback_im = Some(cb_im); c } fn setup(&mut self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let client_id = self.send_data("HISTORY GET CLIENT_ID\r\n", true); if let Some(client_id) = client_id { let client_id: Vec<&str> = client_id.split("\r\n").collect(); let client_id = client_id.get(0); if let Some(client_id) = client_id { let client_id: Vec<&str> = client_id.split("-").collect(); if let Some(client_id) = client_id.get(1) { if let Ok(client_id) = client_id.parse::() { self.1 = client_id; } } } } callbacks.lock().unwrap().insert(self.1, Default::default()); self.set_notification_on(Notification::All) .map_err(|_| SpeechDispatcherError::InitializationError)?; Ok(()) } pub fn close(&self) { unsafe { spd_close(self.0) }; } pub fn say>(&self, priority: Priority, text: S) -> Option { let text: String = text.into(); let param = CString::new(text).unwrap(); let rv = unsafe { spd_say(self.0, priority as u32, param.as_ptr()) }; if rv != -1 { Some(rv as u64) } else { None } } pub fn sayf>(&self, priority: Priority, format: S) -> Option { let format: String = format.into(); let param = CString::new(format).unwrap(); let rv = unsafe { spd_sayf(self.0, priority as u32, param.as_ptr()) }; if rv != -1 { Some(rv) } else { None } } pub fn stop(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_stop(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn stop_all(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_stop_all(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn stop_uid(&self, target_uid: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_stop_uid(self.0, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn cancel(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_cancel(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn cancel_all(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_cancel_all(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn cancel_uid(&self, target_uid: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_cancel_uid(self.0, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn pause(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_pause(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn pause_all(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_pause_all(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn pause_uid(&self, target_uid: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_pause_uid(self.0, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn resume(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_resume(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn resume_all(&self) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_resume_all(self.0) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn resume_uid(&self, target_uid: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_resume_uid(self.0, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn key>( &self, priority: Priority, key_name: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(key_name.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_key(self.0, priority as u32, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn char>( &self, priority: Priority, char: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(char.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_char(self.0, priority as u32, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn wchar(&self, priority: Priority, wchar: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_wchar(self.0, priority as u32, wchar as wchar_t) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn sound_icon>( &self, priority: Priority, icon_name: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(icon_name.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_char(self.0, priority as u32, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_type(&self, voice_type: VoiceType) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_type(self.0, voice_type as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_type_all(&self, voice_type: VoiceType) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_type_all(self.0, voice_type as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_type_uid( &self, voice_type: VoiceType, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_type_uid(self.0, voice_type as u32, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn get_voice_type(&self) -> Result { let v = unsafe { spd_get_voice_type(self.0) }; Ok(match v { SPDVoiceType::SPD_MALE1 => VoiceType::Male1, SPDVoiceType::SPD_MALE2 => VoiceType::Male2, SPDVoiceType::SPD_MALE3 => VoiceType::Male3, SPDVoiceType::SPD_FEMALE1 => VoiceType::Female1, SPDVoiceType::SPD_FEMALE2 => VoiceType::Female2, SPDVoiceType::SPD_FEMALE3 => VoiceType::Female3, SPDVoiceType::SPD_CHILD_MALE => VoiceType::ChildMale, SPDVoiceType::SPD_CHILD_FEMALE => VoiceType::ChildFemale, _ => return Err(SpeechDispatcherError::OperationFailed), // can this happen? }) } pub fn set_synthesis_voice>( &self, voice_name: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(voice_name.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_synthesis_voice(self.0, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_synthesis_voice_all>( &self, voice_name: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(voice_name.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_synthesis_voice_all(self.0, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_synthesis_voice_uid>( &self, voice_name: S, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(voice_name.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_synthesis_voice_uid(self.0, param.as_ptr(), target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_data_mode(&self, mode: DataMode) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_data_mode(self.0, mode as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_notification_on( &self, notification: Notification, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_notification_on(self.0, notification as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_notification_off( &self, notification: Notification, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_notification_off(self.0, notification as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_notification>( &self, notification: Notification, state: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(state.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_notification(self.0, notification as u32, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_rate(&self, rate: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_rate(self.0, rate) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_rate_all(&self, rate: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_rate_all(self.0, rate) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_rate_uid( &self, rate: i32, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_rate_uid(self.0, rate, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn get_voice_rate(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { spd_get_voice_rate(self.0) } } pub fn set_voice_pitch(&self, pitch: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_pitch(self.0, pitch) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_pitch_all(&self, pitch: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_pitch_all(self.0, pitch) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_voice_pitch_uid( &self, pitch: i32, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_voice_pitch_uid(self.0, pitch, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn get_voice_pitch(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { spd_get_voice_pitch(self.0) } } pub fn set_volume(&self, volume: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_volume(self.0, volume) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_volume_all(&self, volume: i32) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_volume_all(self.0, volume) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_volume_uid( &self, volume: i32, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_volume_uid(self.0, volume, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn get_volume(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { spd_get_volume(self.0) } } pub fn set_punctuation(&self, punctuation: Punctuation) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_punctuation(self.0, punctuation as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_punctuation_all( &self, punctuation: Punctuation, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_punctuation_all(self.0, punctuation as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_punctuation_uid( &self, punctuation: Punctuation, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_punctuation_uid(self.0, punctuation as u32, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_capital_letters( &self, capital_letters: CapitalLetters, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_capital_letters(self.0, capital_letters as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_capital_letters_all( &self, capital_letters: CapitalLetters, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_capital_letters_all(self.0, capital_letters as u32) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_capital_letters_uid( &self, capital_letters: CapitalLetters, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let v = unsafe { spd_set_capital_letters_uid(self.0, capital_letters as u32, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_spelling(&self, spelling: bool) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let s = if spelling { SPDSpelling::SPD_SPELL_ON } else { SPDSpelling::SPD_SPELL_OFF }; let v = unsafe { spd_set_spelling(self.0, s) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_spelling_all(&self, spelling: bool) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let s = if spelling { SPDSpelling::SPD_SPELL_ON } else { SPDSpelling::SPD_SPELL_OFF }; let v = unsafe { spd_set_spelling_all(self.0, s) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_spelling_uid( &self, spelling: bool, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let s = if spelling { SPDSpelling::SPD_SPELL_ON } else { SPDSpelling::SPD_SPELL_OFF }; let v = unsafe { spd_set_spelling_uid(self.0, s, target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_language>(&self, language: S) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(language.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_language(self.0, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_language_all>( &self, language: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(language.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_language_all(self.0, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_language_uid>( &self, language: S, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(language.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_language_uid(self.0, param.as_ptr(), target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn get_language(&self) -> Result<&str, SpeechDispatcherError> { let language = unsafe { spd_get_language(self.0) }; if language.is_null() { Err(SpeechDispatcherError::OperationFailed) } else { let language = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(language) }; language .to_str() .map_err(|_| SpeechDispatcherError::OperationFailed) } } pub fn set_output_module>( &self, output_module: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(output_module.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_output_module(self.0, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_output_module_all>( &self, output_module: S, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(output_module.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_output_module_all(self.0, param.as_ptr()) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn set_output_module_uid>( &self, output_module: S, target_uid: u32, ) -> Result<(), SpeechDispatcherError> { let param = CString::new(output_module.into()).unwrap(); let v = unsafe { spd_set_output_module_uid(self.0, param.as_ptr(), target_uid) }; c_int_to_result(v) } pub fn send_data>(&self, data: S, wait_for_reply: bool) -> Option { let wfr: i32 = if wait_for_reply { SPD_WAIT_REPLY as i32 } else { SPD_NO_REPLY as i32 }; let data = CString::new(data.into()).unwrap(); let rv = unsafe { spd_send_data(self.0, data.as_ptr(), wfr) }; if rv.is_null() { None } else { let rv = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(rv) }; Some(rv.to_string_lossy().to_string()) } } pub fn on_begin(&self, f: Option>) { if let Ok(mut cbs) = callbacks.lock() { let cb = cbs.get_mut(&self.1); if let Some(cb) = cb { cb.begin = f; } } } pub fn on_end(&self, f: Option>) { if let Ok(mut cbs) = callbacks.lock() { let cb = cbs.get_mut(&self.1); if let Some(cb) = cb { cb.end = f; } } } pub fn on_cancel(&self, f: Option>) { if let Ok(mut cbs) = callbacks.lock() { let cb = cbs.get_mut(&self.1); if let Some(cb) = cb { cb.cancel = f; } } } pub fn on_pause(&self, f: Option>) { if let Ok(mut cbs) = callbacks.lock() { let cb = cbs.get_mut(&self.1); if let Some(cb) = cb { cb.pause = f; } } } pub fn on_resume(&self, f: Option>) { if let Ok(mut cbs) = callbacks.lock() { let cb = cbs.get_mut(&self.1); if let Some(cb) = cb { cb.resume = f; } } } pub fn on_index_mark(&self, f: Option>) { if let Ok(mut cbs) = callbacks.lock() { let cb = cbs.get_mut(&self.1); if let Some(cb) = cb { cb.index_mark = f; } } } pub fn client_id(&self) -> u64 { self.1 } } unsafe impl Send for Connection {} impl Drop for Connection { fn drop(&mut self) { self.close(); callbacks.lock().unwrap().remove(&self.1); } }